We knew Russ would probably end up deploying from here... we didn't know when or where but that it would more than likely happen since it has been several years since he last deployed. (Kosovo) When Russ had checked around, it turned out he was up for going on deployment in the spring so we put that into the backs of our heads and pressed on. A few weeks ago, Russ got a "by the way, you might end up going in the fall and not in the spring... just a heads up".
Ugh... okay, so that means we cancel some planned trips and just start to 'deal' a little earlier.
Then came a phone call... we found out a week ago that Russ' deployment paperwork had apparently been 'misplaced' but his report date was August 13 and that he had already missed some training... you see... typically you get a good 6 weeks notice, or even longer because it takes a long time to spin up for a deployment... you need to be poked and prodded, vaccinated for all sorts of crazy things, get new equipment, get tons of briefings, out process from one base and in process to another... not to mention the homestead stuff like beefing up your Power of Attorney and figuring out junk like that...the list goes on and on. So with only 3 weeks notice, we hit the ground running to catch up both physically and emotionally.
Now 4 days ago, Russ gets an e-mail from his training base (Russ will have to go to Fort Dix in New Jersey for a month before he heads to Iraq). "Major Driggers, just to confirm we have you arriving on 3 August for training"... WHAT??? It is 13 August not 3 August! Nope... It is 3 August.
So, needless to say the rug was pretty much pulled out from beneath us again, and we are spending this week cramming the 6 weeks of preparation into just 1 and dragging our hearts along the way.
He will be okay, I will be okay, the kids will be okay... I am not okay right now, but I know I will be so that helps it along. I have been through a deployment before, but he was flying then and the whole squadron was gone so everyone was in the same boat. Here Russ will not be flying this time around and I am solo... so it is a different ball game. Iraq is a much different ballgame, but I have made some friends and will pull through. March is when we are expecting him home.
So, I am really not sure who all reads this regularly, but I ask for prayers for safety, peace, comfort, and sanity. We bought a new camera for Russ just today so he will be able to post pictures as well (or e-mail them to me so that I post them).
God bless and I will start posting pictures again when we have some.