Thursday, December 25, 2008

How to Put a Lego Vehicle Together...

...without throwing it out the window!

Ah... you have to love Santa!  For months our precious son has been asking for the MTT... what is a MTT?  It is from a Star Wars movie and it is a big vehicle that apparently carries a lot of droids.  Leo had to explain this to us, because while we have seen the movies, we had no idea what this particular request was!  Well, since it is well-over $100 and also no longer in stores, Santa had to do the E-bay auction thing and after losing many to people with bigger wallets (or at least someone more willing to spend an arm and a leg) the illusive MTT was won.  

Little did we know that it would take over 5 hours to put together!

Russ organizing the pieces...
The 2 hour mark...

the 3 hour mark...
the 4 hour mark...
Janet taking Russ' pulse as he retreats into his happy place... oxygen standing by!
after 5 hours and change the MTT is assembled and ready to be destroyed by a 5 year old.
TA DA!!!!!

Christmas Morning

Okay!  So we drilled the kids before bed last night... do NOT get out of bed before 7am... do NOT go into the living room... yadda yadda yadda...  I think I overdid it because Leo's little lip stuck out and he teared up and said "but what if I forget"?  heart breaking... so I laid off.

Oh the excitement!  7:01 to be exact, we had two little monkeys jumping on OUR bed... then of course they ran into PK's room to wake her up as well...  

Putting together the MTT (apparently in is a robot transporter from Star Wars...  Santa is a rock star!

so... I also have a video from the morning but I need to figure out how to upload that...


Sunday, December 21, 2008

We had a girl's night out for Lauren's birthday!!!!   Haven't stayed out that late in a long time!

Russ and I and David and Lauren went out on a double date to an awesome seafood restaurant in downtown Kansas City...  very pricey... but the best seafood I have had outside of the gulf coast!  YUM!

yes, that is Lobster Bisque in the photo... almost licked the plate!

Just some Catch Up!

I haven't updated this thing in a while!  The month of December was a whirlwind and I have to admit that I let Christmas catch up with me unprepared!  At the beginning, I was unmotivated and pretty down on the whole thing... the commercialism is really irritating.  I love to do things for people and give gifts, but the pressure of the season is daunting.  I like it better when I come across something that make me think of the person it would be perfect for... not the whole "you must by now and give at THIS time.  ugh.  But I got over myself and got my act together... albeit a bit late!  So here are some Thanksgiving (I told you I was late) pictures as well as a few random ones...  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!  May we all take a break and remember Jesus Christ!  He was happy with a drummer boy playing him a song!  

The new babies!  Leo and Savanah

I was able to visit with my friend Jackie King for a bit... expecting baby #2 any day now... in this picture anyway.  Gage was due the beginning of December...
A house divided.  
Leo Krumpe
