Sunday, December 21, 2008

Just some Catch Up!

I haven't updated this thing in a while!  The month of December was a whirlwind and I have to admit that I let Christmas catch up with me unprepared!  At the beginning, I was unmotivated and pretty down on the whole thing... the commercialism is really irritating.  I love to do things for people and give gifts, but the pressure of the season is daunting.  I like it better when I come across something that make me think of the person it would be perfect for... not the whole "you must by now and give at THIS time.  ugh.  But I got over myself and got my act together... albeit a bit late!  So here are some Thanksgiving (I told you I was late) pictures as well as a few random ones...  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!  May we all take a break and remember Jesus Christ!  He was happy with a drummer boy playing him a song!  

The new babies!  Leo and Savanah

I was able to visit with my friend Jackie King for a bit... expecting baby #2 any day now... in this picture anyway.  Gage was due the beginning of December...
A house divided.  
Leo Krumpe


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