Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Still trying to figure out how to add pictures... here goes

Finally back to a routine, back to running and some form of a schedule.  The kiddos started baseball camp yesterday and really like it.  Emma is rethinking dance, begs not to go every time, but then loves it when I pick her up.  I think she begs not to go because she sees all the kids at the park when we go...  We had a fantastic vacation at Innsbrook.  The kids went horseback riding, fishing, swimming in the lake and in the pool.  A whole lot of downtime which we needed... and also which is why I terribly need to get back into some semblance of a routine.  Let's see if I can add some pictures...


Steph said...

Hooray! Welcome to Blogspot. Love the new page. :)

Lori said...

Are you a Xanga traitor? Just kidding! I haven't blogged on there in quite a while. You don't have to sign up for Xanga, either, but people think you do. I like Blogspot, though. If I ever get back into blogging, I'll probably switch to this. I also haven't been keeping up with MySpace, but I do keep up with Facebook. Are we too old for all of this nonsense? :)- Hope all is well...I've called a few times, but I keep missing you. Let me know what's goin' on, sista!