We had a little neighborhood farewell at the local 'Burgerhaus' for Russ. It was a great mix of old friends (Candy and Jello Pravecek who we have been friends with since England) and newly met people in our neighborhood!

Russ and Jello

The Santoyos, the Palmas, Jay Winslow and his pole (Cassie was still out of town) and me.

The gals... Candy, Lisa, me Elise and Esther

The guys... Jello (Lawrence is his real name), Russ, Miro, Anthony and Jason

Russ starting to lay out all the stuff he has to pack...

it looks like camouflage threw up all over our living room!

all into 4 tidy little bags! We leave for the airport tomorrow morning. He will be at Fort Dix for a month then (yeah... we just found out...) that he will travel back through Ramstein on his way to Iraq so we will get to see him for a few days at the end of August!
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