Just a few random photos from the summer since I haven't taken any pictures in a few days. Now for some venting...
What I would like is if the media would just lay off! On both sides. I want to hear what the candidates have to say and what the candidates believe. But the media (on both sides not just one) just spin crap... and sometimes downright meanness.
Is this what Free Speech has come down to? You take Palin, dealing with her own family issues and having people tear into her teenage daughter. Good on Obama for telling the press to lay off and that family was off-limits... but the press does not listen. I wouldn't want the press following his two little girls around the play-ground either.
I just wish it could be about the candidate and what the candidate believes... leave the rest of the stuff out of it! The hatred in this country is unbelievable! CIAO!
I agree wholeheartedly. The media.....so infuriating. Anyhow, I already know who I'm voting for, so I don't have to listen to the rhetoric anymore. I will certainly listen to the debates.
And I didn't get to vote on your poll....I think you will learn "restaurant German" because so many people around you will speak English. There are lots of classes you can take on base. I didn't have time to take the classes, mainly because I didn't have childcare. You will be in a different boat with the kids in school, although a lot of the classes were at night. I really wanted to, though. I bought a computer program, too. I felt guilty not being able to speak the language of the country I was living in, but I got around pretty well. It would definitely be beneficial to speak the language, though.
Fo' real! But then again it's nothing new when the media starts digging for things to publish because controversy starts drama and drama is definitely what sells. I really worry that people (read: voters) care more about personal issues with these candidates than their political views, which is quite scary.
I also agree with learning as much of the native language as you can in Germany. I, too, felt the horrible guilt of expecting the Japanese to speak English to me in their home country. My one regret leaving there was that I didn't learn the language like I had hoped to. If anything, it will make getting around easier (and everyone will always want you to come along if they know you can translate!) :)
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