Spring has sprung and it is time for some base ball! Both kiddos were originally signed up to play, but Emma had a lot of other things going on and something had to give... she is one darned good little cheerleader for her brother though! And she helps the team mom!

Leo is a River Cat... not quite sure what that is... other than a cat that lives by a river? It is better than the Sand Gnats though! Where did they come up with some of these team names?

Leo is number 11!

This picture is sort of hard to see... but it is only HALF of the amount of kids playing baseball... It is really amazing how many people are over here! The city we are close to in Germany is Kaiserslautern and there are 3 main bases plus numerous smaller instillations in the area. Hence it is know as the KMC (Kaiserslautern Military Community). It is the largest population of Americans living outside of America in the world. It was just beautiful at opening day ceremonies to have hundreds of kiddos and the girl (I think she was 15) who sang the National Anthem brought tears to my eyes!!! It was just a really neat feeling...

Go River Cats!
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