We finally made it to Disneyland with the kiddos! We figured we would be dragging them around from Castle to Ruins to Museums ad nauseum... so they needed a weekend all their own! On the drive we encountered miles and miles of geometrical colorful shapes on the side of the highway... some squares, cubes, poles, circles, globes, pyramids and triangles... I need to google it and figure out if it had any significance! It made the drive less boring though as we kept looking for the next patch of shapes!

We stayed at Davey Crockett's Ranch which is about 10 ninutes from the Parks... we had our own little cabin in the woods!

The drive up to the parks... we were so excited. And then Russ goes look kids! Look how cool!!!! And Leo announces... "yeah cool... look at that car!" (see car below) he was totally unimpressed with the gates to Disney... he just thought the car was cool...

Welcome to Europe! Soldiers with Machine guns are everywhere... including "The Happiest Place on Earth". Americans sometimes don't realize how good they have it...

The Buzz Light Year ride was great... it was a combination lazer tag ride... super fun!

Of Course all the Star Wars stuff was a hit...

Trying to pull King Arthur's sword from the stone...

Emma was all about all of the characters... Leo pretty much had nothing to do with any of them... except if one of them had a sword...

The big hit was a stunt show involving fire, jumps from buildings and cool car and motorcycle chases... super fun!

It was cool and rainy the whole time... but not too bad... we just bought sweatshirts and I bought a baseball cap and pressed on!

At the cabin, they had a breakfast cabin that Russ would walk to every morning and grab our French breakfast for the morning... baguettes, chocolate, coffee....

Up in Cinderella's Castle!

Belle and Beast!
We had a great time and can now say we have ticked that box!!!!! Next time we go to Paris... we are doing the other stuff! Will post more later!
We love and miss you all!
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