The end of the school year has been packed with all the 'end of the year' activities. Here is a sample! :-) Volksmarching is a German thing which is basically hiking in different places. The Germans really get into it and there are scheduled Volksmarches all over the place. You often have a booklet or medal of some sort where you get a stamp or token of that particular Volksmarch. The kids school had a 2 mile one through the woods on the base..

Emma getting her medal 'stamped'.

Emma and her friend Hannah. Hannah lives in the village next to ours and her and Emma have become good friends.

Leo belonged to a 'Marathon Club' which met after school on Thursdays. Basically they would run a little every Thursday and their distances were noted so that at the end they would have run 26.2 miles... the distance of a marathon. The last meeting they ran the last mile and crossed the finish line! Russ and I would meet up with him most Thursdays and run with him. This is Leo's friend Henry running with him... Henry is in Leo's class and also lives in our neighborhood... Perfect! Russ and I have also became friends with Henry's parents so that is great also... The funny thing is that We were also stationed with them when we lived in England but did not know them!!! They are not military, though, Mark is a civilian.

Emma also had her Brownie ceremony where she received the patches she had earned since coming to Germany. This is her giving a presentation (she is a good little public speaker) about one of her hobbies. Emma likes to write stories!

Leo's closing ceremony for T-Ball... here he is holding his trophy with both of his coaches! Leo is a natural with T-Ball... he has a good throwing arm, pretty good aim and can hit the ball!

And finally, Leo's graduation ceremony...

His teacher Mrs. Cortez... she is great and taught the class bilingually half English/half Spanish.

The kids were asked what they wanted to be when they grow up... Leo's response? An Army Man.
Even though the ceremony has already occured, the kids still have 4 more days of school...
Will post more soon!
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